County of San Benito, CA

Ray Espinosa

County Administrative Officer

481 FourthStreet

County Administration Building

Hollister,California 95023

Meeting Agenda- POSTED AND FINAL - The attendance at the Meeting is Closed to the Public per the Governor's Executive Order N-29-20. The public may join meeting by Zoom: per instructions stated below:

January 15, 2021 - 6:00 PM


 Board of Supervisors

Mark Medina

District No. 1

Kollin Kosmicki

District No. 2

Peter Hernandez

District No. 3

Bob Tiffany

 District No. 4

Bea Gonzales

District No. 5






Mark Medina

District No. 1

Kollin Kosmicki

District No. 2

Peter Hernandez

District No. 3

Bob Tiffany

District No. 4


Bea Gonzales

District No. 5

County Administration Building - Board of Supervisors Chambers, 481 Fourth Street, Hollister, California

SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA - POSTED AND FINAL - The attendance at the Meeting is Closed to the Public per the Governor's Executive Order N-29-20. The public may join meeting by Zoom: per instructions stated below:

January 15, 2021

6:00 PM

Mission Statement

 To adopt policies that reflect the goals and priorities of the community, design a network of services that prioritizes public safety, equality, and economic vibrancy while balancing commitments to the region's rich history and prosperous future.

The San Benito County Board of Supervisors welcomes you to this meeting and encourages your participation. 

  • If you wish to speak on an item contained in the agenda please complete a Speaker Card identifying the item(s) and provide it to the Clerk of the Board prior to consideration of the item.


Each individual speaker will be limited to a presentation total of (3) minutes unless otherwise permitted by the Board Chair.

a.Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance to be led by Supervisor Bob Tiffany, District #4.
b.Acknowledge Certificate of Posting
Certificate of Posting

Pursuant to California Governor Gavin Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20 issued on March 17, 2020, relating to the convening of public meetings in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, members of the Board of Supervisors are allowed to attend the meeting via teleconference and to participate in the meeting to the same extent as if they were present. 

This meeting can be accessed in the following methods:

1.    Through Zoom ( per the instruction stated below, and other methods as described further below; and


Webinar ID: 956 2521 3742

Webinar Password: 369206


2.    Remote live stream on CMAP you tube channel and the County’s Social Media Page. (If available for the meeting).

Participating by Zoom:

Three ways to attend Zoom meetings:  on a web browserthrough the Zoom App, or over the phone. Each webinar will have a webinar ID and password, which is a unique number associated with an instant or scheduled meeting (found at the top of this text). The chat feature is disabled for all participants.  Additionally, the video function is not available to the public.

A.  Zoom on Web-browser:

a.    If joining through web-browser, launch the address or open the direct link listed below:

B. Or launch the Zoom app on your Tablet or Smartphone:

b.      Select “JOIN A MEETING”

c.        The participant will be prompted to enter Webinar ID and Password listed above and name to join the meeting.  The meeting agenda can be found at

d.      The participant can launch audio through their computer or set it up through the phone.

e.        Public Comment: Select the “Participants Tab” and click “Raise hand” icon, and the Zoom facilitator will unmute you when your turn arrives.

C.    Zoom Audio Only (phone):

a.    If you are calling in as audio-only, please dial US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 408 638 0968

b.    It will ask you to enter the Webinar ID listed above, followed by the “#” key (pound key), then enter Webinar Password listed above at the top page of the agenda. The meeting agenda can be found at

c.     It will then ask for a Participant ID, press the “#” key (pound key) to continue.

d.    Once you enter the Zoom meeting, you will automatically be placed on mute.

e.    Public Comment: If you are using a phone, please press “*9” (star-nine) to raise your hand, and the Zoom facilitator will unmute you when your turn arrives.

Remote Viewing:

Members of the public who wish to watch the meeting can view a livestream of the meeting online through either the:

A.   San Benito County Facebook Page:

B.   Community Media Access Partnership (CMAP) YouTube Page:

Written Comments & Email Public Comment

Members of the public may submit comments via email by 5:00 PM on the Monday prior to the Board of Supervisor's meeting to the Clerk of the Board at

Public Comment Guidelines

A.   The San Benito County Board of Supervisor's welcomes your comments.

B.   If participating on Zoom, once you are selected you will hear that you have been unmuted:  At this time, please state your first name, last name, and county you reside in for the record.  

C.   Each individual speaker will be limited to a presentation total of three (3) minutes, or such other time as may be designed by the Chair.

D.   Please keep your comments, brief, to the point, and do not repeat prior testimony, so that as many people as possible can be heard.  Your cooperation is appreciated. 


If you have any questions, please contact the Clerk of the Board Jennifer Frechette at (831) 636-4000, Ext. 13 or email



Discuss COVID enforcement, and proposed enforcement ordinance.  Adopt Urgency Ordinance Incorporating by Reference and Authorizing Civil Enforcement of State of California COVID-19 Emergency Orders, Directives and Guidance as Civil Infractions or Other Civil Enforcement. (4/5 vote) If urgency ordinance does not receive 4/5 vote, read title, waive further reading, accept introduction and continue to 2/9/21 meeting for adoption.  Adopt Resolution establishing County Ideals and Priorities for Code Enforcement.  




Adjourn to the next regular meeting of February 9, 2021.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) the Board of Supervisors meeting facility is accessible to persons with disabilities. If you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Clerk of the Board's office at (831) 636-4000 at least 48 hours before the meeting to enable the County to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility.